Athletes Running on Track and Field Oval in Grayscale Photography

10 Must-Try Utah Running Events in 2024: A Runner’s Ultimate Guide

Lace up your sneakers, marathon maniacs—it’s time to hit the pavement!

I’m so excited to share with you my top picks for Utah running events in 2024.

As a Utah native, and someone who’s pounded the pavement (and trails) all over the Beehive State, I can tell you that Utah is a runner’s dream come true.

Did you know that Utah hosts over 500 running events annually? That’s right – we’re spoiled for choice!

Thankfully, I am lucky enough to know a few of the event coordinators here in Utah who put on the biggest events.

Oh and it doesn’t hurt that my father-in-law puts on sporting events and used to own the company that put on the Salt Lake City Marathon.

Yes, he is the one that got me into running marathons. Don’t tell him I said that.

Thanks to him, I’ve been running in Utah for years now, and let me tell you, the diversity here is mind-blowing.

From the red rock deserts of Moab to the snow-capped Wasatch Mountains, every run is an adventure.

But with so many options, how do you choose? Well, grab your running shoes, and let’s dive in!

Group of People Doing Marathon

Why Utah is a Runner’s Paradise

Before we get to the events, let me gush about my home state for a sec.

This place is seriously a runner’s playground!

The terrain here is so diverse, it’s like Mother Nature designed it specifically for us runners.

One day you’re cruising through a desert, the next you’re huffing and puffing up a mountain trail.

Talk about cross-training!

And don’t even get me started on the elevations.

Whether you’re looking to build your endurance at altitude or smash your PR on a downhill course, Utah’s got you covered.

Plus, the running community here?

Absolutely amazing.

I’ve never felt so supported and motivated in my life!

How We Chose These Top 10 Utah Running Events

Now, picking just 10 events was tough.

I mean, have you seen how many awesome races we have here?

But I did my best to choose a mix that’ll appeal to every type of runner.

I looked at popularity (because who doesn’t love a big crowd cheering you on?), uniqueness (gotta keep things interesting!), scenery (because if you’re gonna suffer, might as well have a nice view), and challenge level (from “I’m just happy to finish” to “what was I thinking?!”).

I’ve also made sure to spread these events across different seasons.

Because let’s face it, running in Utah’s summer heat is a whole different ballgame than braving the winter chill.

And don’t worry, I’ve included everything from 5Ks to ultras. There’s something for everyone!

  1. The Cold Turkey Run – A Thanksgiving Tradition
cold turkey run utah

Kicking off our list is the Cold Turkey Run.

This one is by far my favorite and James who puts on the event is an awesome guy!

This Thanksgiving Day race in Salt Lake City is my absolute favorite way to earn that extra slice of pumpkin pie!

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It happens on Thanksgiving morning, and let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like the sight of 1,000+ runners in turkey costumes waddling to the start line.

They offer a 5K and 10K option, so you can choose how much pie you want to earn.

The best part? It’s not just about running off the stuffing – it’s a huge food drive too.

I always bring a few cans to donate, and the warm fuzzy feeling I get from helping out totally counteracts the cold November air!

Pro tip: Wear layers! It can be freezing at the start, but you’ll warm up quick once you get moving.

  1. St. George Marathon – Boston Qualifier’s Favorite

If you’re chasing that Boston qualifying time, the St. George Marathon in October is your best bet.

I ran it last year, and wow, what a rush!

The course is net downhill, which sounds great until you realize your quads are on fire by mile 20.

But the scenery?

Absolutely stunning.

You start in the Pine Valley mountains and finish in downtown St. George, with red rock formations and desert landscapes the whole way.

Just be prepared for the heat – even in October, it can get toasty out there!

  1. Moab Trail Marathon – Adventure in Red Rock Country

Okay, trail runners, this one’s for you!

The Moab Trail Marathon in November is like running on Mars, I swear.

I did the half marathon option last year (they also have a 5K and full marathon), and it was hands down the most beautiful and challenging run I’ve ever done.

You’ll be scrambling over slickrock, navigating sandy washes, and maybe even wading through streams.

It’s not a PR course, that’s for sure, but the views of Arches and Canyonlands National Parks make every grueling step worth it.

Word to the wise: Train on trails before this one. Your ankles will thank you!

  1. Utah Valley Marathon – “Fastest Marathon in Utah”
fastest marathon in utah

They call this the “Fastest Marathon in Utah,” and they’re not kidding! I snagged my PR on this course, and I’m not even a particularly fast runner. The June race starts up in the Wasatch Mountains and is basically all downhill into Provo.

But don’t let the downhill fool you – it can be brutal on your quads if you’re not prepared. I made the mistake of going out too fast my first time and was cursing myself by mile 20. Learn from my mistakes, folks!

The best part? The finish line festival in downtown Provo is amazing. Nothing beats celebrating with thousands of other runners and stuffing your face with local food truck goodies!

  1. Salt Lake City Marathon – Urban Running at Its Best

If you’re more of a city slicker, the Salt Lake City Marathon in April is right up your alley.

I love this race because it feels like a 26.2-mile tour of Salt Lake City.

You’ll pass by the State Capitol, run through Liberty Park, and finish up at the Olympic Legacy Bridge.

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The crowd support is incredible – seems like the whole city comes out to cheer!

And the last few miles along the Jordan River Parkway?

Absolutely gorgeous, especially when the spring flowers are blooming.

Just watch out for those sneaky hills in the first half.

They always catch me by surprise!

  1. Antelope Island 50K – Ultra Running with Bison

Now, if you want a truly unique running experience, you can’t beat the Antelope Island 50K in March.

Picture this: you’re running along singletrack trails, the Great Salt Lake on one side, mountains on the other, and oh yeah, there’s a herd of bison watching you suffer!

I did this race last year and it was surreal.

The island is so peaceful, and the views are out of this world.

But let me tell you, those trails are no joke.

There’s more elevation gain than you’d expect for an island!

Safety tip: Give the bison plenty of space. They’re faster than they look, trust me!

  1. Wasatch Front 100 Mile Endurance Run – The Ultimate Challenge

Alright, I’ll be honest – I haven’t actually run this one. It’s on my bucket list, but 100 miles?

That’s a whole other level of crazy!

The Wasatch Front 100 in September is one of the oldest and toughest 100-milers in the country.

You start in Kaysville and finish 100 miles later in Soldierdale, with a casual 24,000 feet of elevation gain along the way.

That’s like climbing from sea level to the top of Mount Everest, while also running 100 miles. Insane!

If you’re thinking of attempting this, start planning now.

You’ll need a support crew, lots of training, and probably a good therapist.

  1. Zion Half Marathon – Running in Nature’s Cathedral

The Zion Half Marathon in February is, hands down, the most beautiful race I’ve ever run.

You start just outside Zion National Park and finish in Springdale, with those iconic red rock formations towering over you the whole way.

Fair warning: it’s not an easy course.

There are some serious hills, and the weather can be unpredictable in February.

I’ve run it in both t-shirt weather and snow!

But crossing that finish line with Zion as your backdrop? Totally worth it.

Bonus: The race organizers are super eco-friendly, so you can feel good about your environmental impact too!

  1. Ogden Marathon – “Utah’s Spring Run-Off”

Known as “Utah’s Spring Run-Off,” the Ogden Marathon in May is a favorite for first-time marathoners.

I paced a friend for her first marathon here, and it was such a great experience!

The course takes you through Ogden Canyon, along the Ogden River, and finishes downtown.

The scenery is gorgeous, especially in the canyon, and the slight downhill grade makes for fast times.

What really makes this race special is the community support.

It seems like every resident of Ogden comes out to cheer.

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Trust me, when you’re hitting the wall at mile 20, those cheers make all the difference!

  1. Park City Trail Series – Summer Running at Elevation

Last but not least, we’ve got the Park City Trail Series.

This is actually a series of four races throughout the summer, ranging from 5K to half marathon distances.

I try to do at least one of these each year as part of my altitude training.

Running at 7,000+ feet is no joke!

The first time I did one of these races, I felt like I was breathing through a straw.

But the views of the Wasatch Back are incredible, and there’s something magical about running through wildflower-filled meadows.

Plus, you can make a weekend of it in Park City. Nothing beats a post-race massage at one of the fancy resorts!

Preparing for Utah’s Unique Running Conditions

Before you sign up for any of these races, there are a few things you should know about running in Utah.

First, the altitude is no joke.

If you’re coming from sea level, give yourself a few days to acclimate before your race.

Second, the weather here can be crazy unpredictable.

I’ve started races in freezing temperatures and finished in shorts and a t-shirt. Layers are your friend!

And please, please, please don’t forget to hydrate.

The air is super dry here, and you can get dehydrated before you even realize it.

I learned that lesson the hard way!

Making the Most of Your Utah Running Experience

One of the best things about these races is that they’re all in amazing locations.

Why not make a vacation out of it?

Click here to get my top 5 places to stay for Utah marathons.

Spend a few extra days exploring the national parks, hitting the ski slopes, or checking out Salt Lake City’s food scene (gotta refuel, right?).

And if you really want to get into the local running scene, join one of the many running groups around the state.

I’ve met some of my best friends through group runs! Here is a good place to keep up on the events.

Well, there you have it – my top 10 Utah running events for 2024!

From turkey trots to ultra marathons, urban races to trail adventures, there’s truly something for every runner here in Utah.

Remember, running isn’t just about finishing times or medals (although those are pretty sweet).

It’s about challenging yourself, enjoying the journey, and maybe seeing some incredible scenery along the way.

And trust me, Utah’s got scenery in spades!

So what are you waiting for? Lace up those running shoes, start training, and I’ll see you at the starting line!

And hey, if you’ve run any of these races or have others to recommend, drop a comment below.

I’m always looking for my next running adventure!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, all this talk about running has me itching to hit the trails.

Happy running, everyone!

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