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The 5 Things You Shouldn’t Bother Cleaning During a Remodel

As a seasoned home renovator who’s been through more remodels than I care to count, I’ve learned a thing or two about keeping my sanity during the chaos of construction.

One of the biggest lessons?

Don’t waste your time cleaning everything in sight while the work is still in progress!

Trust me, I’ve been there – frantically wiping down surfaces only to find them covered in dust again within hours.

It’s enough to drive anyone crazy!

Did you know that the average home renovation can generate up to 200 pounds of dust per week?

That’s a whole lot of mess to contend with! But here’s the good news: you don’t have to fight a losing battle against the dust bunnies.

In fact, there are several things you can (and should) skip cleaning during your remodel. Not only will this save you time and energy, but it’ll also help you focus on the tasks that really matter.

In this article, I’m going to share my hard-earned wisdom about the 5 things you shouldn’t bother cleaning during your home remodel in 2024.

Whether you’re giving your kitchen a facelift or overhauling your entire living space, these tips will help you navigate the mess with grace and efficiency.

Couple Doing Home Improvements

So, put down that duster and let’s dive in!

  1. Walls and Ceilings

Let me tell you about the time I tried to keep my walls spotless during a kitchen remodel.

What a nightmare!

I’d spend hours wiping down every surface, only to wake up the next day to a fresh layer of dust.

It was like fighting a losing battle against a very persistent enemy.

Here’s the deal: during a remodel, your walls and ceilings are going to be dust magnets.

There’s no way around it.

Construction dust is sneaky – it’s fine, it’s pervasive, and it settles on every vertical surface it can find.

And let’s not even talk about the drywall dust.

That stuff is like the glitter of the construction world – it gets everywhere and never seems to go away!

So, what’s a homeowner to do?

First things first, take a deep breath and accept that your walls are going to get dirty.

It’s all part of the process.

Instead of wasting your time and energy on constant cleaning, focus on protecting the areas that aren’t being worked on.

Use plastic sheeting to create barriers between construction zones and the rest of your home.

Trust me, this will save you a ton of headaches down the line.

Now, once the renovation is complete, that’s when the real cleaning begins.

This is where the pros come in handy.

Professional post-construction cleaners have the tools and know-how to tackle even the most stubborn construction dust.

They use HEPA vacuums to suck up loose particles, then follow up with damp microfiber cloths to trap any remaining dust.

Remember, patience is key here. Your walls and ceilings will be clean and beautiful again, but only after all the work is done.

In the meantime, embrace the mess – it’s a sign of progress!

  1. Air Ducts

Okay, let’s talk about air ducts. During my first major home renovation, I made the rookie mistake of trying to clean my air ducts mid-project.

Big mistake. Huge. Not only was it a complete waste of time, but it also ended up costing me more in the long run.

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Here’s the thing: your HVAC system is like a super-highway for dust during a remodel.

All that construction debris?

It’s hitching a ride through your vents and setting up camp in your ductwork.

It’s like a non-stop dust party in there, and no amount of cleaning is going to stop it while work is ongoing.

I learned this the hard way when I hired a duct cleaning service halfway through my renovation.

They did a great job, sure, but guess what happened as soon as construction resumed?

Yep, those freshly cleaned ducts were filled with dust again in no time. It was like throwing money straight into my air vents!

So, what should you do instead?

First, if possible, turn off your HVAC system during the dustiest parts of the renovation.

If that’s not an option (hello, summer projects!), at least close off the vents in the construction area and change your air filters more frequently.

This won’t prevent all dust from getting in, but it’ll help minimize the damage.

Once your remodel is complete, that’s when you want to schedule a professional duct cleaning.

These experts have the equipment to do a thorough job, removing all the accumulated dust and debris.

It’s like giving your HVAC system a fresh start after the renovation marathon.

Trust me on this one – save your duct cleaning for the post-renovation to-do list. Your wallet (and your sanity) will thank you!

  1. Windows and Window Treatments

Let me paint you a picture: It’s day 15 of your home remodel.

You’ve just spent an hour meticulously cleaning every window in your house, proudly admiring your streak-free handiwork.

Fast forward 24 hours, and what do you see?

A fine layer of construction dust coating every single pane. Frustrating, right? Been there, done that!

Windows are like dust magnets during a renovation.

No matter how often you clean them, they’ll be dirty again before you can say “home improvement.”

And don’t even get me started on window treatments!

Blinds, curtains, and drapes are absolute dust traps during construction.

I once made the mistake of leaving my expensive, custom-made curtains up during a living room remodel.

Big mistake! Not only did they end up covered in a thick layer of dust, but they also got snagged and torn by workers moving materials around.

Let’s just say that was an expensive lesson in renovation prep!

So, what’s the smart move here?

First, forget about keeping your windows sparkling clean during the remodel.

It’s a losing battle. Instead, focus on protecting them.

If you can, remove window treatments entirely and store them somewhere safe.

For the windows themselves, consider covering them with a thin plastic film.

This will protect the glass from scratches and make post-renovation cleaning a breeze.

If you absolutely must have window coverings during the remodel (privacy concerns, anyone?), opt for cheap, disposable options.

Those inexpensive paper blinds can be a lifesaver during a renovation.

They’ll do the job temporarily, and you won’t feel bad tossing them when the work is done.

Remember, the time for pristine windows and freshly laundered curtains is after the last worker has packed up their tools.

Until then, embrace the slightly grimy look – it’s all part of the renovation journey!

  1. Carpets and Rugs
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Alright, let’s chat about carpets and rugs during a remodel.

If you’re anything like me, the sight of your beautiful carpet covered in construction dust is enough to make you want to cry.

But here’s a hard truth I’ve learned: trying to keep carpets clean during a renovation is like trying to eat soup with a fork – frustrating and ultimately pointless!

I remember during my bedroom remodel, I was determined to keep my plush, cream-colored carpet in pristine condition.

I vacuumed religiously, sometimes two or three times a day.

I even tried using those sticky mats at the door to catch debris from workers’ boots.

The result?

A very tired me, an overworked vacuum cleaner, and a carpet that still ended up looking like it had been through a dust storm.

Here’s the deal: construction dust is fine enough to settle deep into carpet fibers, making it nearly impossible to remove with regular vacuuming.

Plus, the constant foot traffic from workers can grind that dust even deeper, potentially causing permanent damage.

So, what’s the solution?

Protection is key.

If possible, roll up area rugs and store them away until the work is done.

For wall-to-wall carpeting, invest in some good quality plastic sheeting or specialized carpet protection film.

This stuff is amazing – it creates a barrier between your carpet and the construction chaos above.

If you’re feeling extra cautious (or if your carpet is particularly precious), consider layering your protection.

Start with a breathable cloth drop cloth directly on the carpet, then add a layer of plastic sheeting on top.

This double-layer approach can provide excellent protection against both dust and potential spills or damage.

Once the renovation is complete, that’s when you bring in the big guns.

A professional deep-clean can work wonders on post-construction carpets.

They have the tools and expertise to remove dust and debris that’s settled deep into the fibers, restoring your carpet to its former glory.

Remember, a little patience goes a long way.

Your carpets will be clean and cozy again, but only after the dust has settled – literally!

  1. Light Fixtures and Ceiling Fans

Oh boy, light fixtures and ceiling fans – the unsung dust collectors of any home renovation!

Let me tell you, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes trying to keep these clean during a remodel.

Picture this: there I was, perched precariously on a ladder, duster in hand, trying to clean my dining room chandelier for the umpteenth time.

Not only was it a waste of time, but it was also downright dangerous!

Here’s the thing about light fixtures and ceiling fans during a renovation: they’re like dust magnets on steroids.

All that fine particulate matter that’s floating around?

It loves to settle on every nook, cranny, and blade it can find.

And let’s not forget about the added risk of damage.

One accidental bump from a ladder or a stray piece of equipment, and you could be saying goodbye to that vintage sconce you loved so much.

I learned this lesson the hard way when I cracked a globe on my favorite light fixture trying to clean it mid-renovation.

Not only did I have to replace the globe, but I also had to deal with tiny shards of glass all over my half-finished floor.

Talk about adding insult to injury!

So, what’s the smart move here?

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First and foremost, if you can, remove any delicate or valuable light fixtures before the renovation begins.

Store them safely away from the chaos.

For fixtures that can’t be removed, consider covering them with plastic bags or drop cloths.

Just make sure not to cover any fixtures that might be in use – we don’t want any fire hazards!

As for ceiling fans, the best approach is to leave them be during the renovation.

If you’re worried about dust build-up, you can try taping plastic bags around the blades.

It might not look pretty, but it’ll save you a ton of cleaning time later.

Once all the construction dust has settled (pun intended), that’s when you tackle the cleaning.

For light fixtures, a combination of dusting and gentle cleaning with a damp cloth usually does the trick.

Ceiling fans might need a bit more elbow grease – I’ve found that an old pillowcase works wonders for trapping dust as you clean each blade.

Remember, patience is key. Your light fixtures and ceiling fans will shine bright again, but only after the last nail has been hammered and the last paint stroke applied.

Until then, let them embrace their temporary dusty disguise!


Whew! We’ve made it through the dust storm, folks! As we’ve seen, trying to maintain a spotless home during a renovation is about as effective as trying to sweep leaves on a windy day. It’s a losing battle that’ll leave you exhausted and frustrated.

Instead of fighting against the inevitable mess, focus your energy on protecting what you can and planning for a thorough post-renovation clean. Remember, a little dust never hurt anybody (well, unless you’re allergic, but that’s a whole other story!).

By skipping the cleaning of walls and ceilings, air ducts, windows and treatments, carpets and rugs, and light fixtures and ceiling fans during your remodel, you’re not being lazy – you’re being smart! You’re saving time, energy, and probably a good chunk of your sanity too.

Once the last worker has packed up their tools and the final coat of paint has dried, that’s when the real cleaning fun begins. Whether you tackle it yourself or bring in the pros, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your home can transform from a construction zone back into your cozy haven.

And hey, while you’re letting the dust settle during your reno, why not use that extra time to plan your post-remodel decor? Or better yet, take a breather and remind yourself why you started this project in the first place. After all, a little perspective can go a long way when you’re in the thick of a home improvement project.

So, here’s to embracing the mess, working smarter not harder, and looking forward to that amazing reveal at the end of your renovation journey. Trust me, when you’re finally relaxing in your beautifully remodeled space, you’ll be glad you didn’t waste time fighting a losing battle against dust!

Now, I’d love to hear from you! Have you been through a home renovation? What cleaning shortcuts did you discover? Or maybe you have a renovation horror story to share? Drop a comment below and let’s swap some remodeling war stories. After all, misery loves company – especially when it comes to home improvements!

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