How To Start A Blog In 2024

Establishing a blog within 20 minutes

Are you interested in learning how to start your own blog?

On this page, you will find a detailed, step-by-step guide that will help you set up a blog in just 20 minutes, even if you only have basic computer skills.

By following this guide, you will have a visually appealing blog that you can share with others.

This guide is specifically designed for beginners. I will provide clear instructions with the help of images and videos to make the process easy to understand.

If you encounter any challenges or have questions along the way, feel free to reach out to me for assistance.

Ready to get started? Click here to skip the introduction and begin creating your blog now.

Starting a blog may seem overwhelming at first, but this guide is here to help beginners navigate the world of blogging with ease. No matter your age or level of computer skills, you can learn how to create your own blog in just 20 minutes.

I’ll be the first to admit that I made plenty of mistakes when I was first starting out with my own blog. With over a decade of experience, I want to share my knowledge so that you can avoid the same pitfalls I encountered. This free guide is designed for complete beginners to learn the ins and outs of blogging quickly and effortlessly.

Are you interested in starting a blog but not sure where to begin?

Follow these simple steps to kickstart your blogging journey today!

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a blog in just 20 minutes:

1. Choose a catchy blog name that reflects your content.

2. Register your blog domain and set up hosting to make it live on the internet.

3. Customize your blog design by selecting a free template and making adjustments to suit your style.

4. Write and publish your first blog post to start sharing your ideas and experiences with the world.

5. Promote your blog through social media and other marketing strategies to attract more readers.

6. Explore ways to make money from your blog by considering various monetization options.

Should you start a blog?

One common misunderstanding is that you must be an exceptional writer to succeed. This is simply not true.

People visit blogs to gain a personal viewpoint, so most bloggers write in a relaxed and conversational manner.

Furthermore, many thriving bloggers cover various subjects on their blogs. You also don’t have to be an expert in the topics you discuss to have a successful blog.

For instance, readers of a cooking blog are interested in hearing real cooking experiences, not scientific explanations from a food expert.

If you want to be a successful blogger, the most important thing is to have a genuine passion for your topic.

Blogging is essentially about sharing your expertise with others. When you write about topics that you truly care about, it becomes much simpler to launch a successful blog. When you focus on writing about subjects that genuinely interest you, your passion will come through in your writing and captivate your readers.

Why bother creating a blog? Well, there are several reasons:

1. Share your story: Blogging gives you a platform to express yourself and connect with a global audience. Many people use blogs as a personal diary to document their daily experiences and keep loved ones updated.

2. Earn money from home: Blogging has the potential to be a profitable endeavor. While the top bloggers make a significant income, even casual bloggers can make a nice profit with the right approach. The beauty of blogging is that it can generate passive income, requiring only a few hours of writing each week to produce content.

3. Recognition for yourself or your business: No, you probably won’t have paparazzi following you around because of your latest post. But a successful blog makes your idea into a reality, and can gain you a ton of recognition in your respective field. Many bloggers are known as experts just because of their blogs, and some have even gotten book and movie deals based on their blogs.

4. Find a community: Blogging at its heart is interactive. You write a post and people comment on it. This is a good way to connect with people who are interested in the same things as you are. Blogging allows you to teach these people based on your experience, and it gives you the opportunity to learn from your readers as well.

Ready to begin? Click here to go to Step #1 of the guide

What exactly is a blog?

Simply put, a blog is a website that primarily features written content called blog posts. While news and celebrity blogs are commonly discussed in pop culture, this guide will show you that you can create a thriving blog on virtually any topic.

Bloggers typically share their thoughts and experiences in a personal manner that fosters a direct connection with their audience. Moreover, blogs often include a “comments” section for visitors to engage with the blogger. Engaging with your audience through comments strengthens the bond between the blogger and the reader.

Starting a blog has many benefits, but one of the main perks is the direct connection you can establish with your readers. This connection enables you to engage with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and ultimately build trust and loyalty. This trust and loyalty can also lead to opportunities to monetize your blog, a topic which will be covered later in this guide.

The exciting news is that the internet is currently experiencing unprecedented growth, with an increasing number of people coming online every day. This growth presents a great opportunity for aspiring bloggers as it means a larger pool of potential readers. In summary, there has never been a better time than now to start a blog.

Are you ready to begin your blog?

Step 1: Pick a blog name

If you find that the name you wanted is already taken there are a few things you can do:

If you come across a situation where the desired name is already in use, there are a few options available to you:

1. Experiment with different domain extensions. If the .com version is taken, consider checking availability for the .net or .org versions.

2. Include small words in the name. Adding words like “a”, “my”, “best”, or “the” can help differentiate your domain. For instance, stands out more than just

3. Use dashes between words. For example,

How to Select a Blog Topic and Name

If you haven’t decided on a name yet, the first step is to determine the topic of your blog.

If you’re unsure about what to write about, here are some tips to help you find a suitable blog topic.

  • Life experiences are valuable lessons that we all learn from. Sharing our knowledge can greatly benefit others who are going through similar situations.

For instance, I recently assisted a woman in starting her blog centered around being a fireman’s wife. She has a wealth of expertise to share on this topic, and it has allowed her to connect with others facing similar circumstances.

Reflect on your own life experiences, whether they pertain to family, work, or other aspects of life. You could write about being a stay-at-home mom, client interactions in the workplace, dealing with challenges like illness or divorce, or celebrating happy moments like weddings or birthdays.

  • A personal blog. A personal blog is essentially a platform where you can express yourself freely and share different aspects of your life. It covers various topics ranging from your daily activities to spontaneous reflections and ideas. It provides an opportunity to voice your thoughts and opinions to a wider audience, allowing you to communicate without being confined to a specific theme.
  • Hobbies & passions. Passionate interests such as hobbies can serve as excellent starting points. Classic examples include cooking, travel, fashion, sports, and cars. Even blogs focused on more niche interests can thrive, as the potential audience is essentially limitless with the reach of the internet.
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When choosing a blog name, it’s important to consider your topic and domain name.

A great blog name is descriptive and lets visitors know what your blog is about just by the name.

If your blog focuses on a specific topic, be sure to incorporate that into your domain name. Don’t fixate on just one word though — for instance, a cooking blog doesn’t need to include the word “cooking”. Words like “food”, “recipes”, and “meals” can also convey the theme of your blog.

For a personal blog covering a variety of topics, using your name or a variation of it is a good idea, as your blog is a reflection of you.

Having trouble deciding on a blog name? Reach out to me for personalized assistance at no cost!

After brainstorming some name options, the next step is selecting a domain extension. While .com is typically the top choice, .net and .org are also viable options. Remember, when choosing a domain for your blog, it’s crucial to eliminate spaces between words. For example, “Blogging with Scott” should be represented as

Get your blog online

Once you’ve chosen a name, follow these simple steps to bring your blog to life.

First, you’ll need blog hosting and blogging software. Luckily, these are usually bundled together for convenience.

Your blog host stores all your blog files and ensures they’re displayed correctly when someone visits your site. You can’t have a blog without a host.

Next, you’ll need blogging software. For this guide, we’ll use WordPress to walk you through building your blog.

I highly recommend using BlueHost as your web host.

They not only provide reliable hosting services but also offer various benefits for new bloggers such as:

Free registration of your custom domain name to prevent others from taking it.

– A 30-day money-back guarantee in case you’re not satisfied.

– Free, easy installation of WordPress blogging software.

– Endorsed by WordPress since 2005 with over 2 million blogs and websites hosted.

– Access to 24/7 customer service through phone or web chat.

By using any BlueHost link on this site, you can enjoy a special discount price of $2.75 per month.

1. Click here to get the special $2.75 per month rate on BlueHost and then click “get started now”.

2. Select your plan. I recommend that beginning bloggers get the basic plan. Click “Select” to choose your plan.

3. Type in your domain name in the left box and then click “next” to start the registration process.

  • If you have a domain name that you want to use for your blog, enter it in the provided box and click ‘next’. Please only use this option if you have already paid to register a domain.

4. Fill out your billing details on the registration page.

5. You will also need to choose your hosting package and options.

  • With every BlueHost account plan, you have all the tools necessary to launch your blog — a complimentary custom domain, simple WordPress setup, hosting services, and personalized email addresses like
  • I deselect the checkboxes for additional package features, except for “Domain Privacy & Protection”. This service is not mandatory, but it helps to keep your personal information (such as your name, address, phone number, and email) hidden from the public database of registered domain owners.

6. You will then need to create your BlueHost account and password.

After completing this task, you will be guided to an installation assistant. If you are using this guide, simply select “Skip this step” on the following pages to quickly access the dashboard.

7. Install the WordPress blogging platform.

The system will now automatically install WordPress for you. After the installation is finished, simply click the “Log into WordPress” button located at the top right corner to access the admin area of your blog.

Having trouble installing your blog? Get help here.

Step 3: Customize your blog

Logging In

To access your account, go to and click on “Login” in the top right corner. Enter your domain name and password from before. If you forgot your password, click on the “Forgot Password” link to reset it.

After logging in, you will be directed to your BlueHost Portal. Click on the blue “WordPress” button to automatically log in to your WordPress blog.

Customizing your blog

Once you are logged in, you will find yourself in the WordPress dashboard. Here, you can customize your blog to your liking.

Everyone has their own vision for how they want their blog to appear. One of the advantages of WordPress is that you can easily modify the layout and design with a few simple clicks.

In WordPress, blog designs are referred to as “Themes”. Themes play a crucial role in determining the overall look of your WordPress blog. To change your theme, simply navigate to the “Appearance” tab in the left menu.

Several free WordPress themes are pre-installed on your blog, such as Twenty Seventeen and Twenty Sixteen. These themes are well-designed and clean-looking, suitable for any type of blog. Many top bloggers around the world use these themes. If you don’t have a specific design in mind for your blog, I recommend starting with one of these themes. Let’s go with the “Twenty Sixteen” theme for our example. To activate the theme, hover over it and click the “Activate” button. That’s all it takes to completely change the design of your blog with just one click!

If you’re not a fan of the current themes available, you have the option to select from a wide variety of other free WordPress themes. To add a new WordPress theme, simply navigate to the “Appearance” section in the sidebar menu and select “Add New Theme”

Welcome to the WordPress theme search screen where you have a wide selection of themes to choose from. Changing your design is easy — just activate a new WordPress theme. To start browsing, head to the “Popular” tab and click the blue “Install” button when you find one you like.

After installing the theme, simply click on “Activate” to enable it on your blog. Visit your blog to see the new theme in action!

Switching themes is an easy way to personalize your WordPress blog, but there are many other ways to customize it. For a detailed, step-by-step guide on customizing your WordPress blog, check out my full post. You can also watch the video above to see me customize a WordPress blog from start to finish.

Step 4: How to write a new blog post & publish it

Now that your blog is up and running it’s time to actually do some blogging! Let’s create your first piece of content.

Go to the left menu and click on “Posts”.

You will see there is already a post there. This is a default post on every new WordPress blog, and we don’t need it. To delete it click “Trash” just under the post.

To begin writing a new post, click the “Add New” link.

Welcome to the post editor screen. Start by entering the title of your post in the top box, then proceed to write your post in the lower box. If you want to include an image in your post, simply click on the “Add Image” icon and hit “Upload” to select a picture from your computer. You can resize the picture on the following screen. Once you are satisfied, click “Insert into post” to add the image.

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Once you have finished your post just click the “Publish” button on the top right side of the screen to publish the new post.

Content That Should be on Your Blog

When setting up your blog, it’s important to include both static and dynamic content.

Static content refers to essential pages on your blog that don’t change frequently. These pages, such as your homepage and about page, are accessible through a menu on your blog.

It’s crucial to have these static content pages ready before launching your blog to ensure visitors have the necessary tools and information they need.

Some important static pages to consider for your website are:

  • About Me (Us) — This page should feature a brief biography of the author(s) and a mission statement. Think about how your interest in the subject developed, what message you want to share with the world, and your ultimate goal.
  • Contact Me (Us) — A contact page is essential for visitors to reach you. This gives them reassurance that you are a real and accessible author. You can include your physical address, phone number, and custom email address, or use a contact form to keep personal information private. Also, be sure to include links to all your social media profiles on this page.

Apart from your blog, which is usually featured on the main page, these crucial pages should also be easily accessible through the header menu at the top. You can see an example of how I’ve included these pages in the header menu at the top of this page. If you need assistance, refer to this comprehensive guide on customizing your blog menus.

Some other important static pages that are often overlooked are:

  • Disclaimer Page: This page is crucial if you plan to make money from your blog. It is necessary to disclose how you intend to generate income, especially when endorsing products that you may profit from by linking to them. This is in line with FTC guidelines and should not be disregarded.
  • Privacy Policy: If you gather any data from your site visitors, it is mandatory to have a privacy policy page that clearly explains the data collection process, its use, and whether it is shared with any third parties. If you use Google Adsense or Google Analytics on your blog, a Privacy Policy is essential.
  • Terms of Service: If your blog is also running a store or selling services, it is a good idea to have a Terms of Service page to lessen your potential liability.

The necessary static pages are usually found in the footer menu of a blog and should be easily accessible from the homepage. Take a look at the bottom of this page for an example.

Other static pages that you may consider adding to your blog include an advertising page for paid advertisements, a donations page, a resource page for links in your field, and a page for submitting ideas and content.

Dynamic Content: Your dynamic content, also known as your blog, is the cornerstone of your online presence. It is where you, as the creator, share informative content that provides your audience with valuable tips, facts, opinions, and personal stories.

By creating engaging content, you can attract visitors to your site and encourage them to return for more.

To successfully build a following, it is essential to regularly publish new blog posts at consistent intervals. Waiting too long between posts can hinder your growth. By posting content on a weekly basis and promoting it to drive traffic, you can effectively establish and strengthen your brand.

How to write great blog content

Creating quality blog posts requires depth, information, and interaction. It can be challenging to consistently generate fresh ideas for blog posts, but feel free to change the tone and topic to maintain a dynamic and engaging space.

However, there are key components that all content should strive to incorporate.

Establish the Content: Craft a captivating title to pique curiosity and drive engagement. In the opening paragraph, clearly outline the article’s topic and offer a compelling hook to draw readers in.

When it comes to content, the longer, the better — but make sure to break it up. Adding more information and detail can enhance the quality of your content. However, if paragraphs go on for miles without any breaks, visitors might start to lose interest and leave quickly. People generally prefer bite-sized pieces of information. To keep readers engaged, keep paragraphs concise with spacing in between, use lists and eye-catching quotes, incorporate images, and always include clear headings and subheadings to help visitors easily navigate through the content.

Engage Your Readers: To keep your audience interested, try asking a thought-provoking question at the end of your posts and encourage them to share their thoughts in the comments. This strategy can greatly boost reader engagement.

Authentic Content: It’s crucial that your content is unique and original. Avoid copying others’ work as it can lead to repercussions. Your content should reflect your own thoughts, expertise, and personal experiences. While you can draw inspiration from others in your industry, always make sure to add your own perspective.

Original Photos: While it is easy to include stock images from free image sites, it is even better to include your own photos and graphic work. Another idea is to take free images and manipulate them with a free photo editor.

Edit Your Work: Your blog content should be sufficiently edited. Nothing says unprofessional like several typographical and grammatical errors. If you need a few refresher courses in grammar, consider using a writing application.

Publishing Your Blog

If you have written a post on your blog, you may notice that a placeholder page is still being displayed.

To make your blog public for the first time, simply go to your WordPress dashboard, click on “Home” in the menu at the top left, and then select “Launch with confidence”.

Finally, click on the blue button labeled “Launch your site” to get rid of the placeholder page and officially launch your blog.

Congratulations! You now know how to start your own blog and publish content!

Step 5: Promote your blog

Creating a well-designed blog and producing quality content is just the beginning. To attract visitors to your blog, you must dedicate time to promoting it, especially in the initial stages.

The following strategies can help you reach a wider audience with your blog. You do not have to use all of these strategies — experiment with a few to see which ones work best for you.

1. Notify Your Close Contacts Your inner circle should be the first to know about your blog. This includes family, friends, and colleagues in your industry. Encourage them to become followers, ask for mentions of your new blog, and, most importantly, express your gratitude.

Use Social Media

Creating accounts on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram is important, but it’s also essential to not go overboard. When sharing your latest content on these accounts, don’t forget to also share interesting news and links from other sources. Engage with your followers by using hashtags and responding to comments.

A great way to drive traffic to your blog is by sharing links on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. By doing so, your friends will see the links and potentially share them with their own networks, increasing your blog’s visibility. If you have quality content on your blog, utilizing social media is an effective way to promote it.

Comment On Other Blogs

Discover other blogs in your community and interact with them. Utilize the comment section to introduce yourself and leave thoughtful comments. Some may even permit you to share a link to your own blog. By forming connections with influential bloggers in your community, you will soon become a respected member of their circle.

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Interact with Your Audience

Whenever your readers leave comments on your articles, make sure to interact with them. Respond to their comments and queries, show your appreciation with likes and positive feedback. When it’s evident that the writer values their community and readers, visitors are more likely to return.

Collaborate With Bloggers

Immerse yourself in the blogging community by working together with esteemed members of your field. This collaboration can involve guest posting, supporting each other’s blogs and products, and engaging frequently through comments and social media.

Consistent Posting

Consistently share content. Establish an editorial calendar and adhere to it. A successful blogger typically posts at least once a week in the beginning. If you have extended gaps between posts, your audience will dwindle and your progress will be significantly impeded. Maintaining a posting schedule can be challenging, but it is crucial to uphold.

Create An Email List

To increase the number of new visitors to your blog, it is important to also focus on retaining your current audience. Email marketing is a key strategy for achieving this. By obtaining permission from your visitors to collect their email addresses, you can send them notifications whenever you publish new content.

This encourages repeat visits to your blog, not only increasing readership over time but also helping you to develop stronger connections with your audience. Email marketing is a complex subject that cannot be fully covered here.

For those interested in learning more, I have created a separate guide on email marketing. This guide is essential for any blogger looking to grow their readership.

Improve your blog’s visibility on search engines

Ensure your blog shows up in search results quickly.

Google: Create a Google Webmaster account and access the Search Console. Add your blog by clicking on “Add Property” and following the instructions.

Bing: Register for a Bing Webmaster account and include your blog. Submitting your blog is the initial stage in the search engine optimization (SEO) process.

Remember, when you have a new blog, your traffic may be low initially. But with consistent updates of informative and relevant content, this will gradually change over time.

To optimize this process, each page of your blog should include these fundamental elements:

  1. Header Tags: Section headings and subheadings should be wrapped in header tags. To do this, click on the left item of the block you are writing in and change it to “Heading”. You can then choose from H1, H2, H3, etc.

2. Categorization: Your content should be clearly categorized into specific and relevant categories. In the post editor screen, click on “Document” on the right menu, and then go down to “Categories” and “Add New Category”.

3. Permalinks: Each blog post “slug” is the end portion of the URL. You want to make sure each post has a defined slug and doesn’t end with an article number. You can easily change this in your WordPress dashboard by going to “Settings” -> “Permalinks”. Select the “Post Name” option and click “Save Changes”

When it comes to improving your search rankings, there are several factors to consider. One key suggestion is to use tools like the Yoast WordPress plugin. These tips can help boost your rankings quickly and efficiently.

To learn more about promoting your blog, be sure to take a look at my comprehensive guide to blog promotion.

Step 6: Make money from your blog

Creating engaging blog content and promoting it diligently is essential to eventually monetizing your blog. While making money from your blog might seem challenging, it can be a straightforward process once you have laid the groundwork.

Although blogs have the potential to generate significant income, it’s important to manage your expectations. It may take several months to a year before you start seeing consistent earnings. Building a successful blog requires commitment and effort, but once you have built a loyal audience, there are various strategies you can use to capitalize on your platform.

Sell Advertising Space

Once your blog gains popularity, advertisers will be eager to partner with you for advertising opportunities. The most effective approach in this scenario is to utilize Google Adsense. Google handles the task of finding advertisers on your behalf, allowing you to simply integrate the Google Adsense code onto your blog to begin displaying ads.

By using Google Adsense, the entire advertising process is simplified, saving you time and effort. For a comprehensive guide on setting up Google Adsense for your WordPress blog, refer to the following link.

Sell Affiliate Products

An affiliate program allows you to earn commissions by promoting products. When your readers click on a link on your blog and make a purchase on the advertiser’s site, you earn a commission. Using affiliate links in product reviews is a good way to generate income, but you should always disclose that you are an affiliate.

Sell Products And Services

Selling your own products and services on your blog can also boost your earnings. As your blog gains popularity and reaches a larger audience, your offerings will naturally attract more buyers.

Utilize the sidebar of your blog to showcase your products with eye-catching images and a link to your online store.

Sell Digital Downloads

Digital content like ebooks, video tutorials, and e-courses is popular among bloggers. These materials are easy to sell, with low costs and no shipping required. If you have a lot of expertise in your niche, creating an ebook can be a breeze. Give it a shot — you may be pleasantly surprised!

Sell Memberships

One way to make money from your blog is to create membership options. With memberships, you can provide exclusive content to paid members, such as unlimited downloads, consultations, a private forum, and member-only content.

There are various ways to monetize a blog based on its popularity and traffic. The method you choose depends on your blog’s goals and purpose. Some may prefer selling services or goods directly, while others may avoid affiliate programs to keep traffic on their site.

Need More Help?

I hope this guide has answered any questions you had on how to start your blog, but if any of the steps were unclear to you, you can find a more detailed version of each step by using the menu at the top right of this page (or at the bottom of this page if you’re on a smartphone).

More specific tutorials can be found on my blog page. Here are some of the most popular tutorials from my blog:

Feel free to reach out if you encounter any problems, and I will be sure to reply personally to your email.

The comprehensive tutorial provided on this website should cover all necessary information to begin, yet if you come across any difficulties or desire individualized guidance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me whenever. Blogging is something I am truly passionate about, and I am eager to discuss it with you!

Jeremy LaFaver

Jeremy LaFaver is a professional blogger, Tik-Toker, and expert in affiliate marketing. Visit to discover tips on launching an online business quickly.

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