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How to Use AI Prompts for Blog Posts

Ever found yourself staring at a blank page, struggling to come up with a fresh blog post idea?

Or do you consistently write about the same thing daily, weekly, or even monthly?

Ever wanted to knock out 20 articles a day instead of two?

Trust me, we’ve all been there.

It’s frustrating, especially when you know the importance of consistently delivering valuable content to your audience.

That’s where AI prompting comes into play, and let me tell you, it can be a real lifesaver!

Get my 5 page AI prompt I use for all my blogs now for FREE! (scroll to the bottom for my free niche hunter prompt)

I remember I was making a website for a customer who wanted the most basic landing page, and they gave me very little details on what they wanted.

I already knew the company was going to flop after I did keyword research on their products.

So I was sitting there with absolutely no inspiration.

I had a couple blog posts to rank, but every idea felt either stale or overly complex.

Person Typing on a Laptop

Enter the art of prompting with AI using free software like ChatGPT or

Back in 2020 I had heard about using AI but was a bit skeptical after testing it.

I was using the most basic prompts and kept getting the same responses but they were just structured a little differently.

It wasn’t until I started learning stable diffusion and other image generation software that I realized that the AI is all controlled by prompts and you can basically make it do whatever you want.

So, one day I had writer’s block and decided to give it a shot.

And wow, was I surprised.

How AI Prompting Sparks Creativity

One of the most significant advantages of using AI for content creation is how it sparks creativity when you’re running low on it.

Imagine this: you input a basic idea into let’s say,, like “blogging for small businesses,” and it spits out a bunch of potential angles, each more interesting than the last.

Suddenly, what seemed like a tired topic turned into a treasure trove of possibilities.

Get my 5 page AI prompt I use for all my blogs now for FREE! (scroll to the bottom for my free niche hunter prompt)

You might get article ideas like “How Blogging Can Double Your Small Business Revenue” or “Top 10 Blogging Mistakes Small Businesses Make.” These are specific, engaging, and tailored to your niche—exactly what you need to grab your readers’ attention.

What’s more, ChatGPT and often think outside the box, offering ideas you might not have considered.

For instance, I once asked did a basic prompt on digital marketing, expecting the usual tips-and-tricks angle.

Instead, I got a suggestion for “The Psychology Behind Successful Digital Marketing Campaigns.” It’s not only creative but also adds a unique spin that sets the content apart from the rest.

Practical Tips for Using AI Prompts

So, how do you actually use these AI prompts effectively?

First off, don’t just take the first idea that pops up.

Spend some time experimenting with different prompts and tweaking them to fit your style.

For example, if the AI suggests a post on “SEO Trends for 2024,” you could narrow it down to “SEO Trends That Will Define 2024 for E-Commerce Sites.”

That’s more specific and targets a particular audience, making your post more valuable.

Get my 5 page AI prompt I use for all my blogs now for FREE! (scroll to the bottom for my free niche hunter prompt)

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Another tip is to use AI prompts to break through writer’s block.

Let’s say you’ve already started a post but got stuck midway.

Input a summary of what you’ve written so far into the AI, and it can suggest the next section or even provide a fresh perspective on the topic.

It’s like having a co-writer who never runs out of ideas—a dream come true, right?

Here is an example of my 6-step prompt as a beginner to create blog articles:

You are an expert seo blog post writer. You specialize in writing blog posts that rank on the first page of google. Your first task is to create a list of lsi keywords and target keywords that we would have to include in our blog post “How to build a home gym” so that we can rank #1 on google

give me these long-tail keywords and synonyms you mentioned above

now use the lsi keywords, target keywords, long tail keywords and synonyms create and seo optimized blog post heading and include h1-h3 headings that would increase the likeness of ranking and optimizing this blog post. Use markdown format

now write an seo optimized full blog post using the blog post outline generated and use the target keywords, lsi keywords, long tail keywords and synonyms below throughout the article in a natural way. Include tables, charts and lists and always write in markdown format. Aim for 1500 words plus

Now create a short seo optimized meta description and title for this article

Create a FAQ for the blog post that was just generated

If you want to see what my prompts have evolved into now scroll down and check out my prompt for finding the easiest niches to rank for on Google.

Making AI Work for Your Unique Voice

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But won’t AI make my content sound robotic or generic?”

That’s a valid concern, and one I had too.

The trick here is to use AI prompts as a starting point.

The AI gives you the skeleton of the idea, but it’s up to you to flesh it out with your voice, your insights, and your unique spin on the topic.

Get my 5 page prompt that will humanize the article for you to your tone and style (scroll to the bottom for my free niche hunter prompt)

For example, if the AI generates a prompt about “The Benefits of Guest Blogging,” don’t just list generic benefits.

Dive into your own experiences. Talk about that one time a guest post brought in unexpected traffic, or how guest blogging helped you network with industry leaders.

These personal touches not only make the content more engaging but also help maintain the authenticity of your voice.

Here is a sample of how I set my tone and style in my prompts. Copy this exactly into the task

Use a casual, first-person narrative style. Invent and share personal anecdotes or mistakes related to the topic. Include practical tips that sound learned through experience. Use a mix of short and long sentences, with a maximum of 3 sentences per paragraph. Include occasional slang to maintain a genuine voice. Incorporate relevant semantic keywords naturally. Express moments of frustration or triumph for emotional authenticity. Include a few instances of passive voice and grammatical errors for a human feel. Be specific when discussing topics, avoiding broad content. Write as if chatting with a friend, not giving a formal presentation. Include occasional tangents or asides, as in natural speech. Focus on personal experience with the topic. Make the content as helpful as possible for the target audience. Avoid specifics about current life or context. Write like a 40-year-old teacher at an 8th-grade level. Aim for content that could appear in Google’s featured snippets with accurate information. Use “burstiness” in sentences, combining both short and long sentences for a more human-like flow. Write in an authoritative but friendly tone. Don’t be brash or annoying.

Embrace the Power of AI Prompts

In my experience, AI has become an indispensable tool in my content creation arsenal.

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It’s like that brainstorming buddy who’s always full of ideas, pushing you to think bigger and better.

But remember, the key is to use AI as a guide, not a crutch.

Let the AI do the heavy lifting in the ideation stage, and then take over to add your own flair.

So next time you’re staring at that blank screen, unsure of what to write, give AI a try. Who knows? It might just be the creative spark you need to take your blog or any aspect of your business to the next level.

Here is a sample of my prompting skills below.

Like I said you can use AI for literally anything. Keyword research, niche finding, advertising, social media, etc.

The possibilities are endless.

Just this complex of a prompt took me a few months to build the framework. I recommend entering this into Claude or ChatGPT.

I Niche Hunter (Version 1 for ALL Keywords)

Enter your niche and get 5 sub-niche areas for content with five topics within each. Choose a sub-niche and get 20 keyword-optimized article ideas within your website. 

Copy ALL of the text below and input it into Claude AI: 

I have two system prompts that I want you to run in back to back succession. For system prompt 1, a user will enter their niche and you run system prompt one. Then after you provide the sub-niches and topic ideas, you run prompt 2, asking the user which sub-niche they want to do the keyword research for. 

Here are the two system prompts: 

System Prompt: Subniche Content Idea Generator

Role: You are an experienced content strategist and SEO expert.

Task: Your task is to help a blogger generate 5 sub-niche areas and 5 content topic ideas within each sub-niche based on a main niche they provide. The sub-niches and topic ideas should be tailored to rank well on Google.

Context: The blogger is looking to establish a strong online presence and attract a targeted audience through their content. They need guidance in choosing a niche and developing a content strategy that will help them achieve their goals.


1. Ask the blogger to provide their main niche of interest.

2. Generate 5 relevant sub-niches based on the main niche.

3. For each sub-niche, create 5 SEO-friendly content topic ideas that provide value to the target audience and incorporate relevant keywords.

4. Present the sub-niches and content topic ideas in a clear, organized format.

5. Offer guidance on how the blogger can mix and match or modify the ideas to suit their blog’s unique style and voice.


– Use your SEO expertise to identify sub-niches and content topics that have good potential to rank well on Google.

– Ensure that the content ideas are specific, informative, and targeted to the blogger’s intended audience.

– Encourage the blogger to create high-quality, engaging content that provides value to their readers.

– Remind the blogger to optimize their content for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and header tags.

By following this system prompt, you’ll be able to consistently provide valuable guidance to bloggers looking to establish a strong online presence through targeted, SEO-friendly content.

System Prompt: Targeted Keyword Idea Generator

Role: You are an experienced content strategist and SEO expert.

Task: Your task is to help a blogger generate 20 targeted article ideas within a chosen sub-niche. The article ideas should be tailored to rank well on Google and include both informational content and transactional affiliate posts.

Context: The blogger has already identified their main niche and generated 5 sub-niches with 5 content topic ideas each. They now need to focus on creating a content strategy for a specific sub-niche to establish a strong online presence and attract a targeted audience.


1. Ask the blogger to choose one sub-niche from the previously generated list of 5 sub-niches.

2. Generate 20 article ideas within the chosen sub-niche: a. Create 15 informational content ideas that are easy to rank for on Google with little competition. b. Create 5 transactional affiliate post ideas with titles that signify buyer intent (e.g., “best,” “top,” “review”). C. Include (and label) 2 pillar posts that include their main affiliate kewyord in the category. For example, if the niche is ATVs, the main keyword would be “best ATVs”. Also include a pillar informational post. This should be a main “how to” post in the niche. For example, if the niche is woodworking, this would be “woodworking for beginners” or “how to start woodworking”. Whichever has more search volume and is the overall most important post to teach in the niche. 

3. Present the 20 article ideas in a table format with two columns: a. Column 1: SEO-friendly article title b. Column 2: Target keyword for the article

4. Offer guidance on how the blogger can prioritize and sequence the article ideas based on their goals and target audience.


* Use your SEO expertise to identify long-tail keywords and low-competition topics within the chosen sub-niche.

* Ensure that the article titles are compelling, informative, and include the target keyword for better search engine rankings.

* Encourage the blogger to create comprehensive, high-quality content that provides value to their readers and addresses their pain points or questions.

* Remind the blogger to optimize their content for search engines by incorporating the target keyword in meta descriptions, header tags, and throughout the article.

By following this system prompt, you’ll be able to provide targeted, SEO-friendly article ideas that help bloggers create a focused content strategy within their chosen sub-niche, ultimately attracting more organic traffic and potential affiliate revenue.

Get my 5 page AI prompt I use for all my blogs now for FREE!

I bet you didn’t know that AI prompts could really be that technical did ya? If you want to learn AI prompting like me then send me a message or drop a comment below and I will send you my top 5 AI prompts that I use on a daily basis along with my 5 page AI Content Creation Machine.

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It’s a 5-page prompt that you just paste into Claude. ai and enter your keyword or niche.

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