LinkedIn Post Generator: Free Tool to Get Unlimited Posts

LinkedIn Post Generator: Free Tool to Get Unlimited Posts

Imagine waking up to a flood of likes and comments on your LinkedIn posts.

How did this happen?

It was all because of a tool that:

  • takes just minutes to use
  • only requires you to enter 3 details about your business
  • is free to run.

Sounds interesting?

In this post, I share my LinkedIn post generator you can copy and paste to generate your own posts.

You can also jump ahead to the prompt itself if you want to go ahead and use it.

Running a LinkedIn post generator

Here’s how to create your LinkedIn posts using my custom prompt.

First, I paste the prompt into and get this response: linkedin response

The tool asks me for the niche and tone.

I’m going to paste this in:


  • Digital Marketing and SEO: I specialize in digital marketing, particularly in acquiring targeted traffic for software companies.
  • Content Marketing: I have extensive experience in content marketing and scaling digital growth strategies.
  • Ecommerce and Affiliate Marketing: In the past, I have managed high-budget digital marketing campaigns and affiliate partnerships.
  • Online Entrepreneurship: I am the co-founder of Income Growth Engine, which provides training and resources for online entrepreneurs.


  • Professional and Authoritative: The tone should be formal and demonstrate a high level of expertise and credibility in the digital marketing field.
  • Confident and Persuasive: There is a strong emphasis on my success and achievements, which is conveyed with confidence.
  • Passionate and Motivational: My passion for digital marketing and helping others grow their businesses is evident.

For the message, let’s say I want to focus on “tips on creating highly engaging content”.

Hit enter and Claude goes to work. linkedin response 2

This is the final response: linkedin full answer for linkedin post

Nifty, right?

I’ll then spend some time reviewing this and add personalization elements.

After that, it’s pretty much ready to post.

The Importance of LinkedIn for Professionals

Now you might be thinking, “is LinkedIn really important for me as a professional?”

Ever heard people rave about the importance of networking?

LinkedIn is where that magic happens.

It’s not just another social media platform.

It’s the ultimate destination for building your professional brand, discovering job opportunities, and generating leads for your business.

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Think about it.

Where else can you connect with industry leaders, showcase your skills, and stay updated with the latest trends in your field—all in one place?

LinkedIn has become an incredible hub for knowledge sharing and career advancement.

Here’s another way of looking at it.

Imagine a 24/7 networking event where you don’t have to worry about uncomfortable shoes or balancing a plate of hors d’oeuvres while making small talk.

For an introvert like me, that sounds like heaven.

And even if you’re more on the extroverted side, you’ll still get all the benefits.

That’s LinkedIn for you.

The Challenges of Consistent LinkedIn Content

But let’s be real – creating consistent content for LinkedIn isn’t easy.

We all have a million things to juggle, right?

And it’s not just about time.

Sometimes, you sit down to write, and… nothing.

The inspiration well runs dry.

You stare at the blank screen, wondering what to say that hasn’t been said a thousand times before.

How do you find topics that will engage your audience?

And let’s not even start on the pressure of maintaining a consistent posting schedule.

It’s enough to make you want to give up.

When you consider all these challenges, you’ll start to appreciate why a LinkedIn post generator is a useful tool.

Modeling Top LinkedIn Posts

But here’s where it gets even more interesting.

Have you ever noticed how some LinkedIn posts just take off?

They rack up likes, comments, and shares like nobody’s business.

What’s their secret?

There’s an art to it – whether you’re writing posts manually or using AI to help out.

And knowing what makes a LinkedIn post viral means you can copy the successful elements in your own posts.

Importance of a Strong Hook

A strong hook is crucial.

It’s like a magnet for eyeballs, grabbing attention fast.

A great hook always sets the tone for your entire post.

It can be the difference between someone scrolling past or stopping to read.

A good hook increases engagement and makes people want to share your content.

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It’s like the opening line of a great joke—nail it, and you’ve got them hooked.

Analyzing The Main Content Of Top-Performing Posts

After the hook, you need to consider the value, a.k.a. the main content.

Cracking the code here is equally important.

The way to do this is by seeing what’s working in your industry.

Look at the posts that are killing it.

What do they have in common?

Maybe they’re telling personal stories that resonate with people.

Or perhaps they’re asking thought-provoking questions that get people talking.

Some might be using eye-catching visuals that stop the scroll.

Whatever it is, there’s a pattern waiting to be discovered.

I recommend you take the time to dig deep here.

Your research will pay off and help you understand what works (and what doesn’t).

Using Insights to Inform Your LinkedIn Generator

Here’s where it gets really cool.

Once you’ve got these insights, you can use them to inform your LinkedIn post generator.

(That’s exactly how I built my own LinkedIn post generator).

I was like…

Imagine having a tool that incorporates all these elements of successful posts—the hooks, the formats, the storytelling techniques.

And that’s what got the ball rolling.

But it doesn’t stop there.

You can adapt your prompt to get even more customization and personalization options.

Even if this doesn’t happen within the prompt, I encourage you to do this (manually) before posting.

After all, nobody wants to sound like a robot (even if a robot helped write the post).

With these insights, you’ll have a LinkedIn content coach in your pocket.

As you iterate and improve your process (and possibly even your prompt), you can quickly start creating top-notch posts.

The result?

You’ll build your professional brand and expand your network – all while managing the million other things on your plate.

Steal my LinkedIn post generator

Here’s the full prompt to use. Remember to switch out the variables for:

  • niche
  • tone
  • message

… and replace them with those for your own business.

System Prompt:

As an expert in [niche], your role is to create compelling LinkedIn posts that inspire and inform your target audience.

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Generate a LinkedIn post that showcases your expertise in [niche], incorporates [tone], and promotes [message].

The user will enter their niche, tone, and cause, and based on that, you create the post.

The post should:

  • Grab attention with a strong opening
  • Provide valuable insights and industry-specific examples
  • Use a mix of paragraph-style text and single-sentence lines for impact
  • Use burstiness in sentences with both long and short sentences to not feel robotic
  • Incorporate relevant hashtags
  • End with a thought-provoking question to encourage engagement


Your LinkedIn posts should position you as a thought leader in [niche] while adhering to the platform’s best practices.

Keep in mind the following elements:

  • LinkedIn is a professional network. Having a polished and informative tone that doesn’t use emojis
  • Use a mix of industry-specific terminology and layman’s terms to cater to a wide audience
  • Provide actionable advice or insights that demonstrate your expertise
  • Encourage discussion and engagement by asking questions and inviting readers to share their thoughts
  • Optimize your posts for mobile viewing by keeping paragraphs short and using line breaks strategically
  • Use a mixture of different post types: top 5 tips, industry news, personal stories, etc.

When creating your post, focus on delivering value to your target audience while showcasing your unique perspective on [niche].

Use [tone] to convey your message effectively and incorporate elements that align with your [message].

Remember, your ultimate goal is to establish yourself as an authority in [niche], build your professional brand, and engage with your LinkedIn community.

Use this template as a starting point and adapt it to suit your specific needs and target audience.


Next time you’re staring at that blank LinkedIn post box, remember a few things.

First, you’re not alone in the struggle.

Second, you don’t have to go at it alone.

You can easily turn your struggle into success with the right approach and tools.

And who knows?

Your next post might just be the one that goes viral.

It’s time to try my LinkedIn post generator and see the difference it makes.

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