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7 Best AI Newsletter Writers of 2024 (Ranked)

Do you think there is too much news about AI?

I frequently get the impression that something even better is released as soon as I learn anything new.

And in order to keep informed, I resorted to the top writers of AI newsletters.

These excellent writers help me sort through the clutter and keep up with everything.

I include the top AI newsletter writers available right now in this article.

The appropriate newsletter writer can be found below, regardless of your interests in AI research, ethics, industry news, or anything else in between.

What Are The Best AI Newsletter Writers?

Here are the best AI newsletter writers to get behind.

1. WriteWithAI


Ever feel like you should be doing more with your AI knowledge?

WriteWithAI might just be the answer.

This newsletter, which was created by Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush, is like to having a writing coach and an AI specialist all in one.

Twice a week, you receive two excellent AI prompts that are meant to rev up your writing machine.

These prompts are not your typical ones.

Rather, they serve as stimuli that enhance creativity while saving time.

You can use these prompts to generate anything from a thought-provoking blog post to your next viral tweet.

However, WriteWithAI offers more than just content production.

It all comes down to maximizing the potential of AI-assisted writing.

You will acquire new perspectives and creative ideas to help you stay on top of things.

The newsletter also includes educational materials that simplify difficult AI ideas into manageable advice.

There is always more to learn about technology, regardless of experience level.

2. Superhuman

Superhuman  Superhuman has been making waves with over 700,000 subscribers.

Consider being able to filter through the most recent tech news with a personal AI expert.

It then selects the parts that are the juiciest and sends only those to your email.

Superhuman is a condensed version of a career accelerator and productivity enhancer.

Superhuman appeals to me because of its timing.

Being a latecomer to the AI party can cost you opportunities that could change the game.

Superhuman brings you up to date on the most recent advancements in AI.

Additionally, the newsletter offers doable advice on how to incorporate AI into your regular tasks.

It is not only about knowing what is out there, after all.

Moreover, it is about using AI to your advantage.

3. Mindstream


Joining the Mindstream newsletter is like making friends with a tech-savvy buddy who’s always in the know.

Someone willing to reveal the newest rumors about AI is the reason for this friendship.

Drama in relationships is not something to look forward to, but when it comes to AI news, I would not say no.

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You will wake up to a freshly made cup of AI insights every day when you join Mindstream.

The goal of Mindstream’s writers is to use AI to your advantage in the actual world.

They simplify complicated AI material into easily absorbed bite-sized pieces.

Give Mindstream a try if you want someone to turn a potentially dull subject into a captivating read.

You will join a community of experts who share your excitement for the newest discoveries.

4. Ai5


Ai5 is a bi-weekly newsletter discussing the hottest AI art tools and techniques.

Twice a week, a fresh dose of AI creative inspiration is sent straight to your inbox.

This email is for everyone who finds AI-generated art to be incredibly cool, regardless of experience level with digital art.

How does this newsletter function, then?

The inventors experiment with new instruments and technology.

After that, they tell you just what is worthwhile of your time.

You may read about the most recent changes to Midjourney in one issue.

You will explore the realm of AI models in depth and push the limits of digital creativity in the next.

You might become the go-to AI art expert in your circle using AI5 as your guide.

5. The Rundown AI

The Rundown AI

The Rundown AI is an excellent resource for cutting through AI noise.

I adore the writing style used in this newsletter.

Generally speaking, it is so interesting that you might forget you are reading a tech article.

You can learn more from The Rundown AI than just what is going on in the AI industry.

It clarifies the significance of it for you.

Every issue is jam-packed with useful insights that you can put to use right immediately.

However, there is more.

Interviews with influential figures in the AI field are also included in The Rundown.

For instance, Mark Zuckerberg was interviewed by them not too long ago.

It was activated on the same day as the most recent Llama LLM model.

That seems like a good combination AI value.

6. The Neuron

The Neuron

The Neuron is great to give your brain cells an AI supercharge!

For more than 450,000 tech-savvy workers from well-known firms like Apple, Microsoft, and Tesla, the newsletter is the go-to brain nourishment.

From industry news that will astound you to developing technology that sounds like it belongs in a science fiction film, The Neuron has it all.

I really enjoy the writers’ opinions on current developments in AI.

A recent newsletter discusses artificial general intelligence, or AGI.

This email poses the question of whether this idea’s comprehension and logic in a variety of jobs may actually transform the world.

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There were a lot of worthwhile things brought up in that particular edition.

Check out this newsletter if you are prepared to put your thinking cap on.

7. AI Ethics Brief

AI Ethics Brief

Have you ever felt as though you are stuck in an AI moral maze?

The AI Ethics Brief can serve as your moral compass in this situation.

If you are prepared to begin thinking about how humanity will fare in the future, this newsletter may be of interest.

You will not need a Ph.D. in philosophy, nevertheless, to understand what it contains.

The writers at the Montreal AI Ethics Institute are experts at breaking down difficult moral concepts into manageable chunks.

You may be asking yourself, “AI ethics? That is only for IT experts and philosophy professors, right?

Rethink that!

You are welcome to participate in this ethical roundtable regardless of your level of programming expertise or belief that “python” is merely another word for snake.

The AI Ethics Brief does more than just highlight issues.

It is all about giving you the tools you need to survive in the “Wild West” of AI development.

Thus, why not give AI Ethics Brief a try if you are sick of feeling like a deer caught in headlights?

Finding Your AI Newsletter Flavor

There’s something for everyone when it comes to AI newsletters.

Here are the different flavors to consider.

AI Research Newsletters

Imagine being the first to learn about the newest scientific discoveries and research publications.

Newsletters on AI research are all about that.

Consider it like having access to the future behind closed doors.

These newsletters are filled with the most recent developments, scholarly articles, and “Eureka!” moments in the field of artificial intelligence.

These are great if you are the kind of person who gets excited by novel discoveries.

AI in the Corporate World

Are you curious in how AI is changing things in startups and boardrooms?

The inside word is in these newsletters.

They are all aimed at examining the various applications of AI across various sectors and businesses.

You will discover case studies, insights, and practical AI applications.

These publications are excellent for companies who use AI to stay competitive.

AI Ethics and Policy

This area is for you if you enjoy thinking about the big topics.

These newsletters go further into the laws that surround AI and its ethical ramifications.

What moral conundrums do we currently face?

What laws ought to govern the AI that we develop?

It is ideal for ethicists, policy wonks, and anyone who appreciates a good intellectual debate over the direction AI is taking.

Industry-Specific AI News

Are you trying to find AI news that is relevant to your industry?

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These newsletters will take care of you.

Every industry, including healthcare, finance, marketing, and others, has an AI newsletter that delivers the newest advancements in AI straight to your inbox—as a professional.

Professionals in the field, experts, and anyone looking to remain up to date on developments in their area may find this to be very beneficial.

AI and Society

Not to mention, there are newsletters aimed at the more sophisticated reader.

For those that enjoy venturing out to see how AI is changing the world, these are fantastic.

These look at AI’s wider effects on society, employment, and the future.

I am referring to how AI affects everything, including the future of humanity and our daily life.

These newsletters will be highly interesting to you if you are interested in the ways that AI will shape our shared future.

What to Look for in an AI Newsletter Writer

When you’re sifting through AI content trying to find the best newsletters, here’s what to look for:

  1. Consistency: How often does the newsletter land in your inbox? You should look for those reliable writers who appear in your inbox like clockwork.
  2. Depth Dive: Are you getting just the headlines, or are these newsletters taking you on a deep dive into the AI ocean?
  3. Style with Substance: Even the most groundbreaking AI news can be a snooze-fest if it’s not written well. Look for engaging, informative, and easy-to-digest content that keeps you returning for more.
  4. Community Vibes: Does the newsletter feel like a one-way street, or is there a bustling community of AI enthusiasts chatting away in the comments or on social media?
  5. Expert Alert: When it comes to AI, people want to hear from the pros. Seek out newsletters that showcase a deep understanding of AI concepts and trends.
  6. Hot off the Press: In the fast-paced world of AI, being late to the party is a no-no. Look for newsletters that are quick on the draw with breaking AI news.
  7. Variety is the Spice of AI: While specialization has its place, I’m a fan of newsletters that cover different AI topics.
  8. Easy on the Eyes: Let’s not forget about looks! A well-designed newsletter that’s easy on the eyes can make all the difference in your reading experience.


You can keep updated if you work with the proper AI newsletter writers.

I have highlighted some of the top AI newsletters that stand out from the crowd with the aforementioned recommendations.

So why hold off?

Join one (or more) of these excellent newsletters to start learning more about AI right away!

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