humanized ai content

Free Tool for Humanized Content

Assume you are facing a deadline.

Your gaze is fixed on a blank screen.

Your thoughts are vacant.

Like, not a single idea.

Imagine being able to make amazing-sounding writing on the topic of your choice with that flickering cursor.

Writing can be facilitated and sped up with the help of an appropriate AI paragraph generator.

Great material may be produced with just a few cues.

And I will walk you through doing just that down below.

Prompts For An AI paragraph generator

So how do you use AI to generate paragraphs?

Glad you asked.

Let’s say I’m creating content on outdoor camping.

Factual Based Prompt

For this first part, I want to specifically know:

  • how to prepare for a camping trip
  • what essential items to bring and
  • tips for staying safe in the wilderness.

Here’s what the initial prompt might look like in

humanized content prompt

Here are the results:

humanized content prompt

…And the list goes on.

Great starting point.

However, what I want are paragraphs.

So I ask the AI to turn the point about camping trip preparation and turn it into a paragraph.

Here’s the result:

What I now want to do is humanize this output.

Think of two friends talking at the bar.

The language they use is different to that of two strangers, or two people working a job.

It’s important to specify this writing style to the AI.

Here’s my prompt:

And here’s the result:

If I remove the first few sentences, this is what I get:

Here’s the deal with camping prep. First off, you gotta pick a spot that won’t kill ya on your first go. Maybe start with a campground that’s got some creature comforts, ya know? Check if you need to book ahead or grab a permit – trust me, nothing sucks more than driving all the way out there just to get turned away. Then, for the love of all that’s holy, check the damn weather. Mother Nature’s a fickle beast, and you don’t wanna be caught with your pants down in a storm. Food-wise, keep it simple. No need for gourmet crap – just stuff you can toss in a pan without burning down the forest. Oh, and do your old mom a favor – let someone know where you’re going and when you’ll be back. That way, if a bear decides to make you his dinner, at least they’ll know where to find what’s left of ya.”

Not too bad.

Next, I would ask to format the output to make it more readable.

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Mainly, like this:

humanized content prompt

The final result?

Here’s the deal with camping prep. First off, you gotta pick a spot that won’t kill ya on your first go.

Maybe start with a campground that’s got some creature comforts, ya know? Check if you need to book ahead or grab a permit.

Trust me, nothing sucks more than driving all the way out there just to get turned away. Then, for the love of all that’s holy, check the damn weather.

Mother Nature’s a fickle beast, and you don’t wanna be caught with your pants down in a storm. Food-wise, keep it simple.

No need for gourmet crap – just stuff you can toss in a pan without burning down the forest. Oh, and do your old mom a favor – let someone know where you’re going and when you’ll be back.

That way, if a bear decides to make you his dinner, at least they’ll know where to find what’s left of ya.

Story-Based Prompt

What if you wanted to teach a lesson through a story?

I got you.

Here’s a prompt you can use:

First is the role:

humanized content prompt

Then it’s the process:

humanized content prompt

I include my guidelines:

humanized content prompt

And close if off this this:

humanized content prompt

Let’s say I use this as a heading input: how to go camping for the first time.

This is the answer I get from

Alright, let me tell you about my first camping adventure. It was a wild ride, to say the least! I’d always been more of an indoor person, but my buddy Jake convinced me to give camping a shot. Let’s just say I learned a lot of lessons the hard way.

First things first, planning is key. I thought I could just throw some stuff in a backpack and head out. Big mistake! I ended up forgetting half the essentials and packing a bunch of useless junk. Pro tip: make a checklist before you go. Trust me, you don’t want to be the person who forgets the toilet paper. Been there, done that, never again!

Choosing the right campsite is crucial. We picked a spot that looked great in pictures, but it turned out to be way too crowded. Lesson learned: do your research on campsites. Look for ones with good reviews and amenities that match your comfort level. If you’re a newbie like I was, maybe start with a campground that has restrooms and showers nearby. No shame in easing into the wilderness experience!

Setting up camp was… interesting. We arrived late in the day, and trying to pitch a tent in the dark is not fun. I’m pretty sure our tent looked like a sad, lopsided igloo. Next time, I’ll definitely arrive earlier to set up while there’s still daylight. And practice setting up your tent at home first! It’ll save you a lot of frustration (and colorful language) when you’re out in the wild.

Now, let’s talk about food. I figured we’d just roast some hot dogs over the fire and call it a day. Turns out, you get real sick of hot dogs real quick. Plan your meals ahead of time and bring a variety of food. Freeze-dried meals are great for camping – they’re lightweight and easy to prepare. And don’t forget snacks! Nothing beats munching on trail mix while sitting around the campfire.

Speaking of fire, that’s another skill I had to learn. Starting a fire isn’t as easy as it looks in the movies. We spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to get our fire going. Bring fire starters and learn some basic fire-building techniques before you go. YouTube tutorials are your friend here.

One thing I didn’t anticipate was how cold it gets at night, even in summer. I woke up shivering in the middle of the night because I didn’t bring warm enough sleeping gear. Invest in a good sleeping bag rated for the temperature you’ll be camping in. And bring layers! It’s easier to take off extra clothes if you’re too warm than to magically make them appear if you’re freezing.

Despite all the mishaps, there were moments of pure magic. Sitting around the campfire, sharing stories and roasting marshmallows. Waking up to the sound of birds chirping and the fresh smell of pine. Seeing more stars than I’d ever seen in my life. Those experiences made all the rookie mistakes worth it.

So, if you’re thinking about going camping for the first time, go for it! Just remember to plan ahead, be prepared, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice. Everyone starts somewhere, and even experienced campers were newbies once. Embrace the adventure, laugh at your mistakes, and enjoy the great outdoors. Happy camping!

Thinking Input vs Output

Consider an AI paragraph generator as your very intelligent writing partner.

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When you give it concepts, it produces paragraphs.

But what you put in determines the quality of what you get.

The ancient adage “trash in, garbage out” applies here.

Always keep the inputs you are giving into account.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you giving the AI enough context for your specific situation?
  • Are you being clear in what you expect?
  • Can you give the AI model information to base its answer on?

The Benefits of Using an AI Paragraph Generator

Are you still undecided?

The advantages of employing an AI paragraph generator are as follows.

It saves a ton of time, to start.

Block while writing? What kind of block is it, writers?

These AI helpers can generate ideas more quickly than you can brainstorm them.

Speaking of brainstorming, they are excellent for coming up with fresh ideas on subjects you had assumed you had covered.

However, there is more!

By using an AI paragraph generator, you can write better.

It is similar to having a writing instructor at your disposal around-the-clock who can help you with sentence construction and idea expression.

Simply ask the AI to make your writing easier to grasp if you are not sure.

Where Does The (Human) Writer Come In?

Pump the breaks before you start believing that human writers are extinct.

In this process, the human touch is still essential.

Consider the AI to be your dependable ally rather than a substitute for you.

Your position?

Edit, polish, and add your distinct personality to the material produced by AI.

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Simultaneously, the closer the AI draft is to being ready for publication, the better.

Make your prompts creative as a result.

Better outcomes come from being more precise and thorough.

For the best of both worlds, do not be afraid to mix and match paragraphs produced by AI with your own writing.

Here’s a word of caution.

Make sure everything is original as you edit.

Even while AI has certain uses, it is not a foolproof method to avoid copying.

Make sure your voice is retained in the finished result.

Ultimately, your own style distinguishes you from the cluttered content landscape.


There you have it: a crash course in artificial intelligence paragraph generators.

Automated paragraph generators are useful resources.

They generate fresh ideas and save time.

You can discover new writing techniques and overcome writer’s block.

But never forget: AI ought to assist you. It should not take your place.

Your ideas and voice are still very important.

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